Workshop with Elena Mironov
Root Chakra: Grounding and Strength
In this workshop series you will be introduced to the major energy centres of the body as well as the way you can use this knowledge to balance your life and your yoga practice. We will focus on the Root chakra that connects you to Earth, grounds, nourishes and restores strength and balance. The root chakra practice is essential to help you process emotions and memories and release them through the practice, leaving you feeling at ease and grounded in your radiant being.
This workshop is open to all levels of practitioners and includes a talk, asana and pranayama practice.
Samstag, 24. September 2016, 14.30-17.00 Uhr. Kosten CHF 64.- (inkl. MWST)
Bitte frühzeitig via anmelden. Die Anmeldung ist verbindlich. Der Workshop wird in Englisch unterrichtet.
About Elena Mironov
Elena Mironov is a Zürich based international yoga- and meditation teacher, teachers' educator and author. For over 15 years, she has been practicing and studying with the master teachers worldwide and for the past 10 years, teaching and leading yoga retreats and workshop immersions on 5 continents. With a background in psychology and music, Elena loves to focus on integration: bringing the breath and movement into a state of synchronicity combined with intelligent alignment and poetry of verbal instruction as a transformational way to re-connect with ourselves and meeting the students where they are. Read more about Elena: